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What I've Been Obsessed With


Updated: Feb 14, 2024

I just finished reading Taylor Jenkins Reid's latest email newsletter, and in it she recommends some of her current favourite books, TV shows, and podcasts. It got me thinking about what I've been loving recently, and so I decided to write up this quick blog post for you, full of things I've been obsessed with lately.


A copy of the book "Malibu Rising" by Taylor Jenkins Reid and "Plain Bad Heroines" by Emily M. Danforth

Plain Bad Heroines

I am so hooked on Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth. I went into this slightly terrified because of a) the monstrosity that is this book's size, and b) the incredibly nose-stuck-up-in-the-air, pretentious writing style and dialogue. But for some reason, it's just working for me here. The atmosphere sucked me in and it's been having me glued to the pages. Despite its size, it's really a quick read because I find myself not wanting to put it back down once I've picked it up, though I am savouring the reading experience as much as I can. I've been tabbing the hell out of my copy, which should say a lot.

Malibu Rising

Speaking of TJR, I'm currently also in the middle of reading my 4th book by her - Malibu Rising. Again, I went into this with low expectations; even though I've enjoyed all the TJR books I've read so far, I had heard from multiple sources that this one was a bit of a let down. I don't know if it's because I did end up going into it with trepidation, but I couldn't agree less. As usual, her character work is phenomenal, and I am definitely intrigued to read more.


Mirror - Lauren Spencer Smith

Album cover of Lauren Spencer Smith's "Mirror"

I have been obsessed with Lauren Spencer Smith's debut album, Mirror. Her songs are incredibly relatable and perfect for me to sing along to. I've added some of my faves to my car playlist and I love it every time they shuffle on. Some of my current favourites: 'Bigger Person', '28', 'That Part'.

Mimi Webb

Mimi Webb on stage with concert goers in the foreground

I just saw Mimi Webb live earlier this month, and her music's been stuck in my mind ever since. Her songs are such a vibe - perfect to dance to and they lift up my mood every single time. Definitely add her tunes to your 'female rage' playlist, if you have one. Current fave: 'Dumb Love'.

I've really loved putting this post together. It gave me the chance to geek out over some of my favourite things, so I might do a post like this every so often. Let me know what you've been obsessed with lately!




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